About Me

My entire life I’ve loved money, whilst simultaneously being terrified of it. Raise your hand if you feel the same! It’s okay to be scared of money, no matter how much of it you may or may not have. To this day, I still struggle sometimes with the “scarcity mindset”. However, by maintaining proper financial records and analyzing the data, I can prove to myself that this is something I can overcome and allow myself to see the world through a different lens. This has provided me with more financial freedom and relieved me of the burden of not sweating the small stuff so much.

I originally got into accounting because numbers always made sense to me. Balancing debits and credits, posting journal entries, classifying transactions - these things always came naturally and gave me that warm, fuzzy feeling inside of accomplishment. It also didn’t hurt to know that no matter the industry or economic environment, everyone needs an accountant!

During the Covid-19 Pandemic, my wife left her position at a major hospital in NYC to open her own therapy practice. Watching her start and then grow her practice into what it has become today has allowed me to observe how, through a lot of hard work, passion, and dedication, she was able to achieve her dream of becoming a successful entrepreneur who has gained a new sense of financial freedom she never thought was possible. Through each step of the way, I was there to guide her with the financial knowledge needed to help her launch, grow, and scale her business, and now I want to do the same for you!

I realized there’s a need for financial support among wellness entrepreneurs

After supporting my wife build her amazing business, I realized there’s a big need for professional assistance in this area. It inspired me to step up and create something that I haven’t seen anyone else provide for holistic wellness entrepreneurs who are trying to heal the world.

I bet, in all of your training on how to heal people, no one has shown you how to manage the financial burden that comes with success. And I also bet that you have a lot of feelings around that which come up. Allow me the opportunity to assist you with taking some of that burden off your plate and help you grow your business to reach the potential you see it achieving.

My Credentials

Dual Bachelor's of Science Degree in Accounting and Finance

University of Delaware, Class of 2013

Certified Public Accountant (CPA)

New York State, certified since 2015

Public accounting experience since 2013

Graduated college in four years with the necessary 150 credits to sit for the CPA Exam

Fun fact

I have a 6 year old pug and a 1 year old pug puppy (@Therapugs)

Fun fact

I have been to over 50 concerts and love live music

Fun fact

I enjoy cooking, watching movies, playing sports, and going to the beach

Fun fact

I’m married to